
Welcome to the Fendous Project Management System! This user manual will guide you through all the features and functionalities of the Fendous platform, helping you manage your projects efficiently and effectively.

Getting Started

1. System Requirements

To use Fendous, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • A modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari)
  • Internet connection

2. Account Creation

  • Visit Fendous
  • Look for a "Get started" button on the homepage.
  • Navigate to either an individual or business account based on your requirements.
  • Click on it and fill in the required information, such as your name, phone number, email, and password.
  • You will need to confirm the terms of service and privacy policy to log in.

3. Logging In

Dashboard Overview

Upon logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard. The dashboard provides a summary of your projects, tasks, and recent activities. It includes:


To manage and view projects:

1. Creating a New Project

To create a new project:

  • Go to the Projects section from the main bar.
  • Click on the New Project button.
  • Fill in the required details in the form.
  • Click Save.

2. Managing Projects

  • In the Projects section, click on "My Projects" to view its details.
  • Click on any “Project Name” to view and update the details of the project.
  • You can edit project details, add tasks, assign team members, and also track progress from the project overview page.

Managing Project Details

  • Edit the information if required and click the Update button.
  • Click on Download PDF at the top left corner to download the project details in PDF format.
  • You can also add Tasks, members, external members, and meetings, and view the evaluation of the particular project.


Adding Tasks

To add a task within a project:

  • Go to the Tasks tab within the project.
  • Click on the plus (+) symbol on the calendar to Add Task.
  • Enter the task title, status, assign to, start date, end date, start time, end time, and comments.
  • Click Assign.

Editing Tasks

To edit a task:

  • Click on the task title in the Calendar view.
  • Edit the form as required.
  • Click the Update button.
  • If there are more than one task, scroll to the next page using the navigation at the bottom left corner.
  • Download task details by clicking on Download PDF at the top left corner of the form.
  • The task can also be deleted by hovering the cursor over the task title on the calendar.

3. Tracking Task Progress

  • View task status, deadlines, and hours spent in a graphical representation within a particular project.
  • Example: Project Evaluation for Goboho.

Managing Tasks

To access and update tasks:

  • Go to Projects.
  • Click on My Projects in the dropdown.
  • Click on Task Created in the submenu bar.
  • Access the tasks created and update changes by clicking the rightmost edit icon of each row.
  • Similarly, view tasks assigned.
  • Select Project Status, Start date (from), and Start date (to).
  • Click on search.

Team Management

1. Adding Team Members

To add or delete team members:

  • Go to the Members section from the submenu bar.
  • Click Members.
  • Add members by clicking on the (+) symbol or delete members by clicking on the (-) symbol.
  • Enter the email address of the new member.
  • Press Enter to submit.

Managing External Members via CRM

  • Go to the External Members section from the submenu bar.
  • Click External Members.
  • Select Customer Name from the dropdown.
  • Click on Search.
  • Sort by customer name, company name, comments, or project name.
  • Click on Select All or Bulk Edit to make changes to the records.
  • Edit the details in the form by selecting the checkbox.
  • Click Update.

Schedule Meeting

To schedule a meeting:

  • Go to the Meet section from the submenu bar.
  • Click Meet.
  • Click on the plus (+) symbol on the calendar to Schedule a meeting.
  • Enter the details:
    • Meet with: Select a member from the dropdown
    • Reason
    • Meeting Link
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Date
    • Duration
    • Comments
  • Click Save.

2. Assigning Roles and Permissions

Assigning roles and permissions content here...

File Management

1. Uploading Files

  • Within a project, go to the Attachments section.
  • Click Choose File.
  • Select the file from your computer and click Open.
  • Upload the file within the project.


1. Profile Settings

To update your personal information:

  • Click on Profile.
  • Update your personal information and click Update.

Clock tracking

Session logs


Welcome Message: The assistant greets the user with "Welcome to FendousAI!" and identifies itself as the "Virtual Assistant."

Privacy and Disclaimer Notice: There is a notification informing the user that by using the chat, they agree to the collection of personal information (name, email, browser info, and Fendous subscription info). It also mentions that the conversation may be shared with Fendous and a third party for support purposes. A link to the privacy policy is provided.

Agreement Prompt: The user is asked if they agree to the disclaimer with two buttons:

Input Field: At the bottom, there is a text input field where users can type their messages or queries to interact with the virtual assistant.

User Interaction

The assistant asked the user to confirm their name. The user responded by typing "Anisha."

The assistant then requested Anisha’s email address. Anisha provided the email address: ""

The assistant thanked Anisha for providing the email and asked what assistance was needed.

Action Buttons

Below the conversation, four buttons are visible, offering different options for further interaction:

The text input field at the bottom remains for further user interaction.

The interface is focused on guiding the user through steps to obtain assistance, confirming details like the user's name and email, and then offering several options for further actions. The design remains consistent, with a clear, user-friendly layout.

Upgrade Your Plan

Take a Tour

In this tour, you'll learn how to create projects, assign and manage tasks, and oversee the entire project lifecycle efficiently. We will guide you step-by-step through setting up your projects, organizing tasks, and using the tools provided to streamline project management. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize the system to its fullest potential.